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The Shack: Worth the Read!

If you know me at all, you'd know that one of my favorite books of all time is The Shack written by the brilliant author William Paul Young.  This is a realistic fiction story about the main character, Mack, who undergoes a horrible, horrible tragedy involving the kidnap and murder of his youngest daughter, Missy.  I won't exploit too much, but the story progresses by describing Mack to be drowning in his sorrow, guilt, and shame.  He not only blamed himself for the entire tragedy but blamed God.  After that incident, he was filled with so many questions: Why did God let this happen?  Where was He when I needed Him?  When Missy needed Him?  How good does He claim to be?

Image result for shack book

 For me, this book really put things into a fresh perspective on who God is and why we go through such hard tragedies, perhaps similar to the one Mack experienced with his daughter.  It helped me understand the trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and how the unity of all three is exactly what we need to help us get through the bad times in our day to day lives.  Jesus is God and came to earth as a human.  Therefore, He understands exactly what we go through.  When He left earth to go back to Heaven, He gave us the gift of His gracious Spirit to help us through the tough times.  In essence, we are never alone, no matter how lonely and dark the world may feel around us.

"That light that shines in the darkness, yet the darkness did not overcome it." John 1:5

I won't say anything more about the book, as I truly, truly believe that it is worth taking the time to read.  I wouldn't want to spoil anything.  Trust me, it's that good.

Aside from how well written the book is and how much of a strong and positive impact it had on my personal life, the movie, I have to say, is equally as good in a different way.  Since I read the book, I already knew what was going to happen.  However, I think the movie did a beautiful job depicting the book and it was a brilliant visual to go along with it.  On another note, I went to go see it with two friends, one who didn't read the book.  He went into it with a skeptical attitude, and left feeling full as it exceeded his expectations!

This book and movie is clearly Christian-based.  However, I strongly encourage believers and non believers to give it a chance.  Whether you choose to read the book or go out and watch the movie, I can guarantee that it will open your eyes to a new type of hope, compassion, and a fresh perspective on coping with the hard times we may go through.

What Mack went through with his daughter was horrific.  I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I know what this character was feeling.  I'm also not going to pretend that I know exactly what you in particular may be going through, either.  However, one thing that I came to know through certain events that happened in my personal life is that it is merely impossible to be able to move forward with your life without fully letting go of that burden you carry on your shoulders.

In the story, Mack wasn't able to move on from this tragedy without forgiveness.  He had to not only forgive himself, but forgive all who put him through this hard time.  He had to stop pointing fingers at himself, the culprit, and especially God.

Mack had a skewed version of God in his mind.  Mack was so lost and defeated with what happened with Missy that his past was consuming his present and blinding him from a hopeful future. He thought God was bad because of the tragedy that happened to his family.  Which is actually super understandable.  And I am certain we have all been there one way or another.

Well, the truth is, there is evil in the world and there is nothing that we can do avoid it.  However, God promised that He will NEVER leave us nor forsake us at all; but especially in those bad times.  All He asks is that we seek Him.  Believe it or not, He longs for that one on one relationship.  And  He is especially fond of you. :)    

"It is the Lord who goes before you.  He will be with you; he will not leave you nor forsake you.  Do not be fear or dismayed." Deuteronomy 31:8 

 I know things happen in life where it just doesn't make sense.  It isn't fair.  It's tragic.  Evil.  While I'm sure we all wish that things weren't the way they are sometimes, we have to come to an understanding that bad things are apart of the world we live in and that's that. But when things get messy, it isn't our job to sit here and try to figure them out. Sometimes, there is no reason for the evil and unjust things that happen to us.  But believe it or not, there is an authentic hope behind the tragedy.

Our God is SO good, SO faithful, SO protecting and SO full of love.  He is the only one that can take an ugly, ugly tragedy and make a blessing out of it; no matter how hard that is to imagine.  But keep in mind, this is the same God who can move mountains and calm the storm in an ocean!  You don't have to follow a set of rules or guidelines to earn our God's love.  His love is already there and there is nothing we can do to change that.  His love is unconditional and eternal; and you may not even be aware of that, yet.  Isn't that amazing?  It is through His love for us where we can understand more how to love ourselves and others.  His love can give us the drive to forgive others no matter how much people set out to hurt us:forgiving the seemingly unforgivable. His love is the only way where we can move forward from even the hardest chapter in our lives and to carry on with a hopeful attitude and a joyful heart.




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