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International Women's Day!

Mothers, daughters, wives, sisters, nieces, aunties: Happy International Women's Day!!  From the single mothers to our female teachers to busy business leaders and to stay at home mommy's; here's to you all!  You are all significant and you are all blessed.   

There are so many amazing women out there who made such a positive impact on the world that I believe we should take into account for.  Living in a westernized culture, we are able to attend school and further our education, no problem.  However, in strict middle eastern cultures that isn't necessarily the case.  Malala Yousfzai, a young Pakistani lady, was shot in the head for defending the rights for girls to receive an education against the Taliban.  Rosa Parks and her bold refusal to give up a bus seat because of the color of her skin, which eventually lead to significant civil rights legislation's.  Anne Frank and her diary she kept while documenting her life hiding from the Nazi's up in a dusty attic.  I could name a million more women who made history due to their courageous and honorable ways, but that would be an endless list.

Pushing all stereotypes aside, I am a woman and I am indeed a feminist.  However, I am also radically in love with my savior, Jesus Christ.  I believe God created men and women to be equal.  I don't believe that men and women are meant to be superior over one another at all.  In fact, I can boldly say that I believe men would not be able to function without women and vise versa.      

"The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone.  I will make a helper suitable for him.'" Genesis 2:18

Not even a day after the first man was created God knew that man alone could not be possible.  Man back then needed the help of a woman and that desire continues on today.  When Adam was created, God provided him with what he needed- a strong partner.  Whether you are staying at home and raising the kids, or out at your demanding career- you are SO significant!  If you are under the impression that you play a little role, think again.  God didn't create women to be undermined, He created us to be God fearing, virtuous, noble women of the Most High!  (Peep at Proverbs 31)

From Gospel Luke:

Mary-Mother of Jesus

After recently delving into the gospel Luke, it hit me how awesome Mary's attitude was when the angel of the Lord came to earth and told her the amazing news that God chose her to give birth to the savior, Jesus Christ.  She displayed wonderful obedience and full trust in the will God had on her life.  It opened my eyes that we have to submit ourselves fully to wherever God calls us to go.


Elizabeth, Mary's cousin and wife of Zechariah, displayed an amazing amount of patience.  Elizabeth and Zechariah were very old and were childless, as she had a difficult time trying to conceive.  Despite their old age, God heard their prayers and answered them, thus blessing them with the birth of their baby boy, otherwise known as John the Baptist.  This opened my eyes to how God always hears our prayers and how He provides us with these beautiful blessings under His perfect timing.  

"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord" Psalm 27:14 

  The more I grow deeper in my relationship with Jesus, the more I start to realize how perfect He truly is.  Jesus obtains qualities of both men and women in a perfect conjunction.  He is strong and a leader while being tenderhearted and noble.  He is God- the living representation of the equality between both men and women in perfect unity under Him.

If you haven't checked out Proverbs 31:10-31- do it!  I love everything this proverb says, however I want to put emphasis on a particular section:

"Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeing, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" Proverbs 31:30

There is so much pressure as a woman to live up to a certain standard of what "true beauty" is.  Make up on fleek, the perfect outfit on top of a perfect physique- blah, blah, blah.  All of that stuff is just a distraction from what truly matters.  A woman's heart for God shines so much brighter than her Mac highlighter resting on her cheekbone.  Jesus is eternal and His light is so powerful.  As cliche as it sounds, a woman's true beauty rests in her heart, not for her exterior.  I've said it before and I will continue saying it a million times until it is drilled into your heart and even in mine: You are BEAUTIFUL.  You are a MIRACLE.  You have the world saying harsh things but a God pouring love into your heart because you matter.  Just like the women I mentioned earlier to the women I mentioned from the bible- these weren't just ordinary women-they were world changers.  Keep on pressing your heart to God and He will show you a glorious truth.  He will set your crooked paths straight!  






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