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Post Valentine's Day: Real Love

I have always been obsessed with Valentine's Day every since I was a little girl.  There is just something about devoting time to make mini valentines for the people that were in your class and handing them out and watching everyone smile as they open up the Scooby-Doo card and box of heart candies.  It's the tiny and warm feeling you get in your heart that makes it special.  It was one of the few occasions where even though you didn't talk to half the people in your class, you still acknowledged them and loved on them in the smallest but most sentimental way. 
As I got older, however, I began to notice that people used the idea of Valentine's day from being a cute little Hallmark holiday to a derogatory, depressing, and "forever alone" kind of day.  

I know what you may be thinking: Who cares?  It is so overrated.  I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend so why should it matter? Yad-yada-yada...

Well, I feel as though we should view this little holiday on a more loving approach. (Hah)
As Christians, do we sit here and look at Christmas as a pagan, gift giving, Santa Clause themed holiday?  The world might, but all in all, no. We celebrate the tradition with the tree and gifts but keep Jesus Christ's birth in the center.
Do we look at Easter solely around a bunny hopping around delivering chocolate Easter eggs?  Again, the world might but in essence, no.  We celebrate the tradition and keep the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the center.

I know Valentine's Day doesn't have the same exact type of biblical significance, but after all, it is a holiday revolved around one of the most important credentials associated with the gospel: love. 

In my opinion, we should welcome this holiday devoted to love with open arms and embrace this day of the month!  Let's use it to encourage us to go about random acts of kindness and love on people we may not express to on a regular basis; to our teachers, coworkers, managers, and fellow students!  Use this holiday in hopes to expand the kingdom of God and for the glory of Jesus Christ!

The Bible: More than Just a Book

Let's view this in another perspective: the Holy Bible.
The bible is a book filled with different books to tell the beautiful and most fulfilling love story about the messiah, Jesus Christ.  
Like all books, there is a beginning page and a concluding page mushed between the cover of the book.  (Bear with me, I have a point!)
Now, what makes the bible more than "just a book" is the life it gives to feed our spirits.  It is the living Word of God!  Yes, there may be a page at the end of the book, but that doesn't mean it's the end.

"See I am coming soon!  Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book" Revelation 22:12

Over and over it is proclaimed that Jesus is coming back soon!  Until then, His love continues to live on forever.  His Spirit dwells within us and He never leaves.  

If you check out Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus is talking to the disciples right before he ascended into heaven.  He told them that although He is leaving the physical earth, to keep on living for Him.  He said to continue following Him, be baptized under God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and to spread the gospel of His never ending love.  Teach the people who He is!  Feed them a hope and pour His love into every soul you come across.

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.  By this people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:34-35

This is Real Love   

The world has a very interesting way in depicting love.  For example, lust is often substituted for love which therefore has a tendency to lack meaning.  Love is a powerful action and feeling, but trust me when I tell you that once you discover where genuine love is derived from, your perspective will change forever!

"For everything in the world- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life- comes not from the Father but from the world." 1 John 2:16

So What is "Real Love?"

Oh Beloved Jesus!  My heart overflows with joy knowing that I belong to you; the Great I am!!  Love is when our Father in Heaven sends His son, humbled and compassionate, taking our place and dying on the cross a criminal's death.  The bruises, the deep cut wounds and blood poured out of your flesh is what saved us.  You didn't have to go through this, but you did because of your unconditional, unfailing love-suffering in silence and freeing us from the bondage of sin.  I found my life when I laid it down at Your feet.  After all, Jesus laid down His life for us.   


Friends!  Love goes way beyond chocolates and roses on Valentine's Day.  Love comes from something so much greater than what we attempt to wrap our minds around.  As long as we keep in mind where pure love comes from, Valentine's Day can feel a little less materialistic and so much more genuine and fulfilling!  It is because of Jesus that we are able to walk in love!  His loving spirit dwells within us which enables us to radically pour that love out for all to encounter!
You don't have to be out on a date with someone to feel apart of that inequitable standard the world put upon Valentine's Day.  Be well aware that our Father in Heaven absolutely adores you.  You are beautiful and are a masterpiece made in His image.  Don't think you need the approval on a worldly standard- you are loved in a divine and heavenly love.



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