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Night to Shine 2017

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and indoor

February 10, 2017, on a very chilly Friday night, I had the privilege to be apart of an amazing time well spent.  At Faith Church, the Tim Tebow Foundation held their annual, A Night to Shine prom!  
Princes and princesses arrived at 6 p.m. to walk down the red carpet.  They were garnished in beautiful gowns, sparkly shoes, and suits and ties all over.  Each and every person who attended not only looked stunning, but the look of unfathomable joy expressed on their faces overpowered it all.  Their smiles radiated a contagious joy and touched many hearts that night; including my own.  

Different Does Not Means Less Than

We live in a world that is so accustomed to the flesh.  We see the flesh for what we think it is, but when will we start to see beyond that?  

As human beings, we are all equal as we fall under that covenant.  Intellectually, mentally, physically, and spiritually- we all have the same needs in these four categories.  Although some of us may meet these needs in a different way, one thing that remains constant is with our spirits.
I believe that if we all start to look into each others eyes and see each other for our spirits, the world would be so much more compassionate for humanity. 

We are all children- sons and daughters of an Almighty God!  A God who loves each and every one of us the same.  A God who looks at us not for our "disabilities," not for our mistakes, not for our exterior, but for our spirits.  He looks at us for what our hearts say- that is where genuine beauty rests.  
"Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, love, kindness, patience, and humility." Colossians 3:12

I walked in here tonight ready to serve, ready to hang out, and ready to love.  Well, the Lord exceeded my expectations above and beyond!  My eyes were widened more and more as the night progressed.  From cheering the guests on as they walked in with smiles beaming on their faces, to taking fun pictures and dancing the night away- those moments throughout the night will hold a special place in my heart forever!

"In the same way, let your light shine on others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify the Father in Heaven."  Matthew 5:6    

Thank you Lord for allowing me to experience such a beautiful event.  Thank you to all the volunteers who devoted their time putting this together tonight.  Thank you to all the beautiful guests who came to party it up!  And thank you Tim Tebow for following that tug God placed in your heart and initiating this wonderful organization.  I always ask Jesus to use me to shine His light upon others; well the people here tonight radiated that beautiful ray.  You are all precious in the Lord's eyes and in mine. 
"Created in love, for love, by love."

Image may contain: 1 person, dancing, standing and indoor
Image may contain: 3 people, people standing and indoor

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing



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