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Know Your Worth

Good evening awesome people!
So, recently I began to notice a change in myself.  I have been paying close attention to my skin... a little too much attention I should say. 
My skin has been breaking out in pimples and spreading like wild fire.  It's as if every morning I would wake up and find a new buddy that decided to make its home on my face.  My face turned into a poppin' residency to say the least, haha!
But seriously, I went from not caring to noticing, to noticing a bit more the next day, to eventually devoting hours at my laptop searching for ways to combat this acne that is developing on my face. 


I have nothing against taking care of your skin.  I encourage it! :)  However, when something becomes an overwhelming factor in your mind that begins to hold you back to a particular extent, that is when it becomes an issue. 
Anyways, my skin kept on spiraling downhill which eventually bummed me out.  But I ask myself, what for?
Because I had a few blemishes on my face?  I mean yeah I agree it can be mildly frustrating but was it worth shifting my main focus and energy in trying to fix?
I use the term fix very, very loosely.  
What is there to fix that isn't even broken?

I Have Insecurities, What are yours? 

For anyone who may be reading this, think about your biggest insecurity.  Whether it may be feeling uncomfortable in your own skin, your living situation, your thoughts on your future, etc. 

As you keep pondering whatever this insecurity may be, think about how much this actually controls your life.  No matter how big or small, insecurities somehow gain this sense of control over us.  Which is so lame.  

This western society we live in today has such a standard on what is "okay" and what is "mediocre."  It's a standard that is merely impossible to live up to.  The mundane world can be so loud sometimes, I always pray for God to silence the lies it screams in our lives.  

My little skin insecurity held me back more than I realized in the moment.  Those 15 minutes I spent trying to cover my "flaws"  could have been spent so much wiser.  
I could have hung out with the Lord and His Word before school, I could have prepped for my next class, I could have done a load of laundry, or even tackled in a chapter or two in the book that I am currently reading.  
Something, anything to feed my spirit.  Jesus sees us for what our hearts say.  But the world sees us from where you fall on its unrealistic standard of lies. 

A New Lens

Our God is so good.  When you let Him become the leader of your life, He turns into a prime ophthalmologist, haha!  But seriously, He blesses you with a beautiful new lens on the world.  You love the world but disagree with it.  Your worth is no longer in the way of society, but in the warm, loving hands of our God, right where you belonged this entire time! 

Your worth rests in His never ending grace.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made by the hands of our Father in Heaven!  Whatever "flaws" you have, consider them to be a work of art; for you are a masterpiece!  The creator of the universe made you, and you are so priceless in His eyes. 

Not only that, He mapped out this beautiful plan He has for your life.  If you feel scared for the future, give it God; He already knows the next chapter, and the next chapter, and the NEXT chapter!  He will never leave you hanging.  He will never compromise on the amazing things He has in store for you in your life!  Seek Him, trust Him, and He will set your paths straight.  That is a promise, it is written!! :)

Scriptures to Check Out!

Psalm 139
Proverbs 3:6

God bless your socks off and I hope you all have a fantastic rest of the week!!!



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