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Through the Perspective of a Toddler

So it is no doubt that children are a blessing.  I know as adults we are to be positive influences in a child's life and to help teach them to grow up to be an ideal human being in our society, right?  Well, I couldn't help but notice how much I learn as a person whenever I am watching my wonderful 2 year old nephew, Jensen.  
I adore that little boy to the heavens and back.  He is a miracle baby and I thank the Lord every day for placing him into my life.  I woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed.  It was one of those mornings where I couldn't help but feel burdened by all of the elements around me putting a heavy weight on my shoulders. 
Disclaimer: It is finals week at my university.  Enough said. 
However, my sister texted me asking if I was able to watch Jensen last minute for the day.  Of course, I agreed!
Let me tell you, the moment Jensen walked through my front door, beaming with that contagious smile he proudly wears immediately altered my mood.  

I mean, come on... just look at that smile!  So pure, so genuine!

Through the Eyes of Baby Jensen...

To some this looks like your ordinary living room, but to baby Jensen this is the life.
You got your crayons, your Doc Mcstuffins coloring book, blocks in a basket, trucks all around, all while sipping on some juice and watching Paw Patrol.

  But wait!  In the midst of your play time you notice not one, not two, but THREE deer outside in the backyard!  It is oh so captivating you have to drop what you're doing and go observe.

  "Oh boy, I have to get to the other side of the room but your legs are in the way.  Let me just take on the challenge and climb over them rather than walk around.  Just makes more sense." 

Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool...

Working so hard to make the perfect tower...

...but after all that hard work, it fails.

Someone wasn't too happy about that.  Reppin' that pout face.

But like every other time, your smile still breaks through the tough times!

The Point...

I think we can all learn something here from baby Jensen.  From 10:00 a.m. to bedtime my perspective changed completely just by observing him in his actions and relating it to everyday life.  It sounds crazy, but just hear me out:
    I learned that it is the little things in our lives that truly matter.  Look deeper within a situation and appreciate the little blessings that occur in the day.  
I learned that instead taking the easy way out, seek a challenge on any given situation.  Test your faith, and build your strength...
And with that being said, I also learned that when taking on a challenge, it is okay to take a break and to be still.
And finally, no matter how many times the tower of blocks may fall and how many disappointments you feel, it is very very important to simply pick up the blocks, clean up the mess, and to keep trying again.  You just have to keep on keeping on!   

Today I woke up feeling a lack of spirit and I prayed for God to reveal His love to me in some way.  To say the least, He delivered that to me beautifully through my nephew, Jensen.  Children have such a natural and contagious joy inside of them.  Their love is unconditional and pure.  I think as we get older the world begins to alter our view on what love is.  Children are blessings and I believe the Lord uses them as a reminder to what love is supposed to be.  

"Love is patient.  Love is kind.  Love rejoices with the truth, it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres.  Love never fails" 1 Corinthians 13:4-8


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