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Twas' the Night Before Christmas...

It's Christmas Eve!!  The most wonderful time of the year!  Eeeek I mean what is there not to love about Christmas?  We have tree's garnished in decorations and twinkling lights brightening up our homes, gifts to wrap and give to our loved ones, those Macy's runs to pick up some last minute gifts... although it may be mildly hectic, it is still good.  However, despite whatever chaos that may be in my dwelling, I will never fail to look up and remember what this beautiful time of the year is all about.  The birth of Jesus Christ, the King of all kings, the Prince of Peace, and my beloved Lord and my Savior.
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To think it all started from the birth of Jesus, to crucifixion, to the resurrection.  Beloved Jesus, thank you for humbling yourself and coming to earth to save us from deadly sin.  Thank you for being the perfect sacrifice.  Thank you for dying to our sin and for rising again.  Thank you for casting away the darkness we once sat in and for shining Your light onto the broken earth.  Thank you for being the perfect leader and for never leaving us no matter how many times we denied you.  Because of Your blood, we are clean.  Because of Your blood, we are redeemed.  Because of Your blood, we are forgiven and are able to look forward and follow you with joy and hope in our hearts.
Lord, the spirit of Christmas is so tangible in December.  But I pray that we carry this feeling beyond this month  and that we are able to feel Your presence and the joy you planted in our hearts.  I pray that the spirit of Christmas follows us into our everyday lives if it hasn't already.  

There is a reason behind the happiness and joy we feel during Christmas time, folks!  It's because Jesus was born; a new found hope!  God is so good I can't even put it into words.  God bless you all this Christmas season.  Keep the King in Christmas where He belongs!!  And remember to keep on keeping on!  No matter what your situation may be as of right now, just seek Jesus.  His grace is contagious and joy will come out of it.  Just seek Him, and He WILL reveal Himself!  His unconditional, genuine love.  After all, we are His sons and daughters... 
God bless your socks off!!
Love, Bri       


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