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Moving forward starts with going backwards

So if you don't already know, I got a haircut a few days ago!  And I'm not talking about a quarter of an inch trim, I mean I got it cut; resting right above my shoulders.  This was monumental for a girl like me because I am so stubborn when it comes to my hair.  Like most of us, I want it to look a particular way and I desire it to be as long as Rapunzel's mane.

Learning to appreciate the process! 
My problem?  My hair never had a chance to get long.  
Why?  Because I have been petrified to get a real haircut since my junior year of high school.  Oh, did I mention that I'm currently in my fourth year of college?  Ouch.

The funny part in this entire hairy debacle was that if you saw how long my hair was prior- it wasn't long.  In fact, it just barely hit below my shoulders.  I've had my hair at that length since I was at least 16 years old.  I'm currently 21.  Again, ouch.  

My hair got to the point where the ends were so high up in breakage, that it ended up turning into this cycle of growing out and breaking, growing out and breaking.   My hair had zero mercy on me, guys.

But as I embark the beginning of my hair journey, I begin to contemplate the fact that in order for it to grow long and healthy later, I needed to cut it very short, first.  In other words, if I wanted to see genuine progress moving forward, I had to take a couple steps back.  

How many of us feel the same way about our day to day life?  How many times do we follow the Lord, where we believe He is leading us, and soon find ourselves going backwards instead of forward?
Friends, I mentioned my hair and I often find myself wishing it stopped there.  I understand the frustration behind that seemingly never-ending cycle.  I understand the confusion about where you are in life now and questioning if you will ever see progress or even a hint of that light that is promised at the end of the tunnel. 

"Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed." Psalm 119:116 [NIV]

When we are living for the Lord, we will often find ourselves being lead in a space that doesn't seem to make sense to us.  But if we are able to carry the faith as small as a mustard seed, that is enough for God to move through those massive mountains of doubt.  

To put it bluntly, it all comes to down to faith and trust.  Not in ourselves, not in our situation, and not even in our future- but in Christ alone.  He is the one who illuminates the path for us to walk on.  He is the one who guarantees us a future.  And He is the one who protects the promise over our lives.

When the Israelite's were desperate and enslaved by Egypt, God used Moses to break them free and lead them into the Promised Land.  This journey was quite draining not only physically, but emotionally.  They were quenched, famished, and would often question God.  But in the midst of those weak moments, God provided a delicious food from Heaven called manna and a fountain of water that replenished their bodies.  During the day, God lead His people with a pillar of clouds followed by a pillar of fire at night.  This showed them that in the midst of their doubt, God was close during the difficult journey.

"In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed.  In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling." Exodus 15:13 [NIV]

Our God is eternal.  He never changes and is never effected by societal evolution.

The God who lead the Israelite's out of captivity into the treacherous desert for several years to get to the Promised Land is the same God leading you to your calling today.  Don't be surprised if you feel like you went backwards.  Sometimes going backwards is the best route we can take; it may help us dodge a raging war, avoid some form of conflict, and humble us to remember who is leading the way in the first place. 

God sees your struggle, but remember that He also sees your victory!  You may be going backwards, but you're going back so you can leap forward into the sweet promises He has for you!

"May the Lord lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ." 2 Thessalonians 3::5 [NLT]


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