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When in doubt, worship it out

 Confession time!  I have been feeling just about fed up with a lot of things going on in my personal life.  I won't display any details, but if you ever get that feeling of bricks weighing down on your back and every time you try to see the positive side of things the bricks just become heavier and heavier... yeah.  That feeling.   

"But Briana, you did so well this semester in school, you have the summer ahead of you, you have a nice job, your friends are home; why is your spirit hindered?"

"Well Briana (yes, I am talking to myself online-no shame) , sometimes things.  Just.  Happen.  Things will creep up out of nowhere, where you least expect it and BAM.  You go from left to right."  (I'm a dweeb- again, no shame)

Anyways, things will happen that are completely inevitable.  But we all knew that.  I know God is good and I trust the process of His divine plan for my life.  But that doesn't make the Christian life like peaches and cream.  It doesn't make life's heartaches any easier to go through.  I know these periods in life will pass and are just seasons but dang!  These seasons feel like Alaska's wintertime!

So I've been feeling this way for a few days until earlier today.  I was driving home in a silent car.  I usually like to put on the radio, but today I think I needed those couple moments of silence.  Reflection.  Being still.  All week I have been playing a game of tetras in my mind with how I think I should go about everything.  However, I was never still.

A couple moments later, I'm driving while simultaneously breaking out into worship.  From How He Loves Us to The Anthem, I was singing my heart out to God.  I had so much stuff on my mind that I couldn't make out words, I was just overflowing in worship.  It's probably a good thing that I was alone, because I can't sing for the life of me, haha!  However, as I love to say, although I can't sing, I sure can worship, haha!

I didn't really think about it when I was singing to God, it felt almost like an instant reaction.  All week I didn't know what to do or how to go about anything that was happening, so I just decided to lift up God and all of His goodness.  

Acts 16

Then it dawned on me; a couple of weeks ago I delved into the book of Acts 16.  This chapter told an incredible story about Paul and Silas who were traveling to the city of Macedonia to preach the gospel.  Well, one thing lead to another and they were both arrested for an unjust accusation.  Not only that, but they were flogged and beaten up by the people of the city as well.  After their brutal encounter, they were chained up and thrown into prison.  

Now, one would automatically think of the disgusting and unjust conditions Paul and Silas were in.  I can't even imagine being in their position at this time.  However, instead of hindering their spirits by their conditions, they began to sing songs to God at midnight in their prison cell. 

As they were singing, there was a giant earthquake that shook their foundations.  Due to this great earthquake, the doors of the prison swung wide open and the chains they were attached to shattered.

The Take Away

Paul and Silas' faith is admirable.  It was so easy for Paul and Silas to feel beyond discouraged and frustrated given the predicament they found themselves in, however that wasn't enough to stop them from singing and praising God.  On a much minor scale, this reminded me a lot of my drive home, today.  Although your situation may be ugly, be still, and know that God is a God capable of anything.  If you find yourself in a poor state of mind or situation, give it to God and sing.  As long as you shift your focus away from whatever is causing you a hindered spirit and onto God, your chain will be broken.  
In other words, when in doubt, be like Paul and Silas and worship it out! ;)




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