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Showing posts from February, 2017

To the Person Having a Hard Time Moving Forward

Just like what the title states; that was me for the longest time.  I messed up countless times.  Repeatedly.  Over and over and over.  Heck, I still mess up like it is my job.  Being that person who seemed to make mistakes left and right, I found it very difficult to move forward with my life.  I had a difficult time trying to forgive myself.  Yeah, yeah I know the "make mistakes, learn from them, build your character" saying.  But to be frank, that didn't minister to me that well.  I mean, I suppose it did but that was only temporary.  Every time I tried to move forward, something would happen that reminded me of the past and I felt that fresh sense of shame as if it happened that day.  Every time I felt like I took a step forward, I was really taking a huge step back.  For my entire life, I have been going back and forth with no real sense of direction.          I thank God for Jesus.  Because of Jesus, no person on this earth can say anything to me to hinder

Post Valentine's Day: Real Love

I have always been obsessed with Valentine's Day every since I was a little girl.  There is just something about devoting time to make mini valentines for the people that were in your class and handing them out and watching everyone smile as they open up the Scooby-Doo card and box of heart candies.  It's the tiny and warm feeling you get in your heart that makes it special.  It was one of the few occasions where even though you didn't talk to half the people in your class, you still acknowledged them and loved on them in the smallest but most sentimental way.  As I got older, however, I began to notice that people used the idea of Valentine's day from being a cute little Hallmark holiday to a derogatory, depressing, and "forever alone" kind of day.   I know what you may be thinking: Who cares?  It is so overrated.  I don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend so why should it matter? Yad-yada-yada... Well, I feel as though we should view this lit

Night to Shine 2017

February 10, 2017, on a very chilly Friday night, I had the privilege to be apart of an amazing time well spent.  At Faith Church, the Tim Tebow Foundation held their annual, A Night to Shine prom!   Princes and princesses arrived at 6 p.m. to walk down the red carpet.  They were garnished in beautiful gowns, sparkly shoes, and suits and ties all over.  Each and every person who attended not only looked stunning, but the look of unfathomable joy expressed on their faces overpowered it all.  Their smiles radiated a contagious joy and touched many hearts that night; including my own.   Different Does Not Means Less Than We live in a world that is so accustomed to the flesh.  We see the flesh for what we think it is, but when will we start to see beyond that?   As human beings, we are all equal as we fall under that covenant.  Intellectually, mentally, physically, and spiritually- we all have the same needs in these four categories.  Although some of us may meet these