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Showing posts from 2018

Moving forward starts with going backwards

So if you don't already know, I got a haircut a few days ago!  And I'm not talking about a quarter of an inch trim, I mean I got it  cut ; resting right above my shoulders.  This was monumental for a girl like me because I am so stubborn when it comes to my hair.  Like most of us, I want it to look a particular way and I desire it to be as long as Rapunzel's mane. Learning to appreciate the process!  My problem?  My hair never had a chance to get long.   Why?  Because I have been petrified to get a real haircut since my junior year of high school.  Oh, did I mention that I'm currently in my fourth year of college?  Ouch. The funny part in this entire hairy debacle was that if you saw how long my hair was prior- it wasn't long.  In fact, it just barely hit below my shoulders.  I've had my hair at that length since I was at least 16 years old.  I'm currently 21.  Again, ouch.   My hair got to the point where the ends were so high up in breaka

He is faithful- don't be that runaway bride

When I was in kindergarten, I was petrified of lightning and thunder.  One summer day when my parents were out and my sister was babysitting me, a huge thunderstorm rolled in.  After witnessing that bright flash followed by that violent crash of thunder, I ran.  I zipped right out my front door; barefoot, crying, and screaming as the thunder relentlessly pounded the sky.  I ended up in my neighbor's front door, pleading to stay with them until the storm passed.  Fast forward to my junior year of high school: I was home alone one February night babysitting my nephew who was around 5 months at the time.  I was in the middle of feeding him his dinner when I noticed an unfamiliar light glaring through my window.  I peaked out the window and noticed a suspiciously idle truck halfway up my driveway.  My 16 year old brain immediately flashed back to my 6 year old brain of irrational panic; without sparing another moment in that living room, I grabbed my baby nephew and ran out

To the person anticipating the next season

So with spring being right around the corner (7 days to the exact), one would expect the sunshine to be here; greeting us with flowers blooming while simultaneously waving goodbye to the melting snow.  Well, here in good ole' New England is the polar opposite; from an intense blizzard dumping a solid 2 feet of snow, to a flurry leaving another 3 inches, to the weatherman predicting another snowstorm... all in the time span of only one week. I guess it's safe to say that spring may have to hit a couple pit stops before settling in for the season. A popular opinion that I've been hearing a lot is how Mr. Winter has overstayed his welcome; a very valid opinion to say the least.  I mean I get it, after counting down the days until spring, then being hit with a plethora of snow right before, it's easy to feel disappointed, anxious, and impatient.  The season that your eyes have been fixated on for so long and the growing anticipation; all to be brought down in a disgust

A message to the girl who needs to reaffirm her worth

What do you think of when you hear the word treasure? Do you picture iridescent diamonds sitting contently in a chest waiting patiently to be discovered?  Or maybe the chest that holds such a prize of diamonds is unexpectedly surrounded by a plethora of pure white pearls sitting inside the mouth of a clam. Ever since we were children, we would hear of these fascinating tales of pirates sailing from opposite ends of the world to discover this beloved treasure.  They would sail on rickety ships upon roaring waters to simply contrive this treasure. Isn't it amazing how something so pure and beautiful is told to be found within a barnacle-crusted chest or the mouths of clams? "Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.  This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger." Luke 2:11-12 [NIV] The wise men traveled miles upon miles through the night to discover the most valuable treasur

You were forgiven, are forgiven, and will forever be forgiven

Yesterday morning I was going about my usual routine before heading off to work.  Routines can be super helpful but can easily become a bit too robotic as well.  Instead of utilizing our quiet time before the day begins, the clock decides to tell you that it's time to go, go, go!  I totally understand the feeling that your clock is some kind of drill sergeant, however, it's important to recognize just how necessary our quiet time with the Lord is.  It is in that divine appointment where God will really pour into your heart. "Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him." Psalm 62:5 [NLT] Up in the northeast, we were experiencing a bit of snowfall.  Instead of going about my usual routine, I decided to take a peak outside my window.  And to my expectation, I witnessed the powdery white snow gracefully falling to the ground; resting peacefully in collections upon the branches on barren trees and the piles of dirt beside the road. It was in t