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Showing posts from March, 2017

International Women's Day!

Mothers, daughters, wives, sisters, nieces, aunties: Happy International Women's Day!!  From the single mothers to our female teachers to busy business leaders and to stay at home mommy's; here's to you all!  You are all significant and you are all blessed.    There are so many amazing women out there who made such a positive impact on the world that I believe we should take into account for.  Living in a westernized culture, we are able to attend school and further our education, no problem.  However, in strict middle eastern cultures that isn't necessarily the case.  Malala Yousfzai, a young Pakistani lady, was shot in the head for defending the rights for girls to receive an education against the Taliban.  Rosa Parks and her bold refusal to give up a bus seat because of the color of her skin, which eventually lead to significant civil rights legislation's.  Anne Frank and her diary she kept while documenting her life hiding from the Nazi's up in a d

The Shack: Worth the Read!

If you know me at all, you'd know that one of my favorite books of all time is The Shack written by the brilliant author William Paul Young.  This is a realistic fiction story about the main character, Mack, who undergoes a horrible, horrible tragedy involving the kidnap and murder of his youngest daughter, Missy.  I won't exploit too much, but the story progresses by describing Mack to be drowning in his sorrow, guilt, and shame.  He not only blamed himself for the entire tragedy but blamed God.  After that incident, he was filled with so many questions: Why did God let this happen?  Where was He when I needed Him?  When Missy needed Him?  How good does He claim to be?   For me, this book really put things into a fresh perspective on who God is and why we go through such hard tragedies, perhaps similar to the one Mack experienced with his daughter.  It helped me understand the trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and how the unity of all three is exactly what we