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Showing posts from January, 2017

Know Your Worth

Good evening awesome people! So, recently I began to notice a change in myself.  I have been paying close attention to my skin... a little too much attention I should say.  My skin has been breaking out in pimples and spreading like wild fire.  It's as if every morning I would wake up and find a new buddy that decided to make its home on my face.  My face turned into a poppin' residency to say the least, haha! But seriously, I went from not caring to noticing, to noticing a bit more the next day, to eventually devoting hours at my laptop searching for ways to combat this acne that is developing on my face.  Disclaimer:   I have nothing against taking care of your skin.  I encourage it! :)  However, when something becomes an overwhelming factor in your mind that begins to hold you back to a particular extent, that is when it becomes an issue.  Anyways, my skin kept on spiraling downhill which eventually bummed me out.  But I ask myself, what for? Because I had a f

A Little Eye Opener

Good evening everyone! WOW.  It has been a hot minute since I wrote on here!  Between my travels to Israel (which I will be sure to write about in a future post-stay tuned) and catching some sort of flu the week I got home, I had a difficult time getting around to the computer to write.  But praise the Lord I'm back on track! Sooo, I'm going to be real with you guys.  I had that spiritual high my entire time spent in Israel.  I had my nose dug into the Word everyday and I just felt God revealing so much to me.  However, the second day I got back, I felt this heavy weight on my shoulders.  I felt a lack of intimacy with our Lord.  The conviction was real, guys.   I don't find it necessary to type the entire ordeal on here, but what I will say is that although beating around the bush may seem harmless, it is still not okay.  Not to your loved ones, to yourself, and definitely not in the eyes of our God.   God really opened my eyes this week.  He showed me that