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Showing posts from December, 2016

Twas' the Night Before Christmas...

It's Christmas Eve!!  The most wonderful time of the year!  Eeeek I mean what is there not to love about Christmas?  We have tree's garnished in decorations and twinkling lights brightening up our homes, gifts to wrap and give to our loved ones, those Macy's runs to pick up some last minute gifts... although it may be mildly hectic, it is still good.  However, despite whatever chaos that may be in my dwelling, I will never fail to look up and remember what this beautiful time of the year is all about.  The birth of Jesus Christ, the King of all kings, the Prince of Peace, and my beloved Lord and my Savior. To think it all started from the birth of Jesus, to crucifixion, to the resurrection.  Beloved Jesus, thank you for humbling yourself and coming to earth to save us from deadly sin.  Thank you for being the perfect sacrifice.  Thank you for dying to our sin and for rising again.  Thank you for casting away the darkness we once sat in and for shining Your light onto

Through the Perspective of a Toddler

So it is no doubt that children are a blessing.  I know as adults we are to be positive influences in a child's life and to help teach them to grow up to be an ideal human being in our society, right?  Well, I couldn't help but notice how much I learn as a person whenever I am watching my wonderful 2 year old nephew, Jensen.   I adore that little boy to the heavens and back.  He is a miracle baby and I thank the Lord every day for placing him into my life.  I woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed.  It was one of those mornings where I couldn't help but feel burdened by all of the elements around me putting a heavy weight on my shoulders.  Disclaimer: It is finals week at my university.  Enough said.  However, my sister texted me asking if I was able to watch Jensen last minute for the day.  Of course, I agreed! Let me tell you, the moment Jensen walked through my front door, beaming with that contagious smile he proudly wears immediately altered my mood