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Showing posts from May, 2020

I Got Tested for Covid-19

Anxiety is very persuasive.  It started with a low grade fever.  "99.5," the thermometer read.  Before I knew it, my body was overcome with chills with an indescribable sense of exhaustion.  Fear was rooted. Another day passes and I'm coughing up phlegm that is rudely accompanied with tightness in my chest, neck, and back.  "It's probably just allergies," I solemnly convinced myself.  Fear was sprouting. After going back and forth with these suspicious symptoms, I eventually decided to call my doctor.  After twenty minutes of assessing my symptoms with acknowledgment of my asthma history, he ordered me a test to take at the hospital.  Waiting for those test results revealed not only my lack of mental stability but tested my growing faith in the Lord. Mental health is a popular topic that I don't always feel inclined to talk about- mainly because I'm not great at understanding it.  My body felt incredibly weak for those short couple of days as