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Showing posts from April, 2020

It's okay to be scared

My heart stings more and more each time my husband receives a call to go to another Covid-19 cleaning job.  We live in one of the higher risk areas and that worry of him contracting something and bringing it home is a daily dose of anxiety within itself.  Like for many other people, this has become our new reality and for myself, has me exercising the authenticity of my faith in Jesus more than ever. All of our situations are different right now; some of you are employed but are still required to go out and risk contracting the virus while some of you are unemployed but are safe at home.  Some of you are blessed to work from home but have loved ones that are at high risk across the country.  Some of you suffer from a mental illness that makes this situation heavier on your mental health while others have physical ailments that puts you at risk even more. We're living in a really dark time right now and it's scary.  Although we can find a list of positives from this, I can&#