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Showing posts from March, 2020

Quarantine Thoughts: An Opportunity for Compassion

In as little as a few weeks, the entire world fell ill. ~ The person compulsively posting divided opinions on Facebook. The person fed up with Facebook strife. The teenagers walking down the street in a group greater than ten. The man approaching them, infuriated, holding a knife.  The single mom worried about making ends meet. The single mom's child oblivious to her mother's sense of defeat. The grocery store clerk wishing they didn't have to go into work today. The clothing store retail worker wishing they had work and guaranteed pay.  Those health care providers risking their lives to save your loved ones. Someone you love that was with you one minute, is now gone. I think all of us are confused, bored, maybe nervous for the unknown.  Humanity thrives on the idea of having power and control over our own lives.  For the first time for many of us, this virus introduced the depth of our human-vulnerability.  You hear conspiracy theorists conjure up