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at least the apartment is clean

Bruised heart, Blistered hands, Heavy weight, Thinning strands. Worry, Anxiety Never ends Car so stubborn  refuse to start cliche  Monday  “Your cup is overflowing” Car is idle, continuously rattling twist the key repetitive doubt decreasing faith crying out "why God- of all the days" dehydrated bank account Where do I look? from bad to worse “Look up” Swollen gray sky Tears slither down Hugs exchanged With a curse word or two maybe three, definitely more There is no shame  life hits hard An unprepared weight  No man can carry  Why bother trying? you’ll just lose faith but tell yourself it’ll be okay, “Why so little faith?” “I said it’ll be okay” I mindlessly rummage through the wrinkly clean laundry, sloppily folding them, and toss them on the mysteriously sticky stained coffee table.  I scatter over to the dishwasher. Steam pollutes the air; kissing my cheeks as I begin to rummage through the fr