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Showing posts from September, 2018

Moving forward starts with going backwards

So if you don't already know, I got a haircut a few days ago!  And I'm not talking about a quarter of an inch trim, I mean I got it  cut ; resting right above my shoulders.  This was monumental for a girl like me because I am so stubborn when it comes to my hair.  Like most of us, I want it to look a particular way and I desire it to be as long as Rapunzel's mane. Learning to appreciate the process!  My problem?  My hair never had a chance to get long.   Why?  Because I have been petrified to get a real haircut since my junior year of high school.  Oh, did I mention that I'm currently in my fourth year of college?  Ouch. The funny part in this entire hairy debacle was that if you saw how long my hair was prior- it wasn't long.  In fact, it just barely hit below my shoulders.  I've had my hair at that length since I was at least 16 years old.  I'm currently 21.  Again, ouch.   My hair got to the point where the ends were so high up in breaka