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Showing posts from January, 2018

You were forgiven, are forgiven, and will forever be forgiven

Yesterday morning I was going about my usual routine before heading off to work.  Routines can be super helpful but can easily become a bit too robotic as well.  Instead of utilizing our quiet time before the day begins, the clock decides to tell you that it's time to go, go, go!  I totally understand the feeling that your clock is some kind of drill sergeant, however, it's important to recognize just how necessary our quiet time with the Lord is.  It is in that divine appointment where God will really pour into your heart. "Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him." Psalm 62:5 [NLT] Up in the northeast, we were experiencing a bit of snowfall.  Instead of going about my usual routine, I decided to take a peak outside my window.  And to my expectation, I witnessed the powdery white snow gracefully falling to the ground; resting peacefully in collections upon the branches on barren trees and the piles of dirt beside the road. It was in t