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Showing posts from May, 2017

When in doubt, worship it out

 Confession time!  I have been feeling just about fed up with a lot of things going on in my personal life.  I won't display any details, but if you ever get that feeling of bricks weighing down on your back and every time you try to see the positive side of things the bricks just become heavier and heavier... yeah.  That feeling.    "But Briana, you did so well this semester in school, you have the summer ahead of you, you have a nice job, your friends are home; why is your spirit hindered?" "Well Briana (yes, I am talking to myself online-no shame) , sometimes things.  Just.  Happen.  Things will creep up out of nowhere, where you least expect it and BAM.  You go from left to right."  (I'm a dweeb- again, no shame) Anyways, things will happen that are completely inevitable.  But we all knew that.  I know God is good and I trust the process of His divine plan for my life.  But that doesn't make the Christian life like peaches and