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Showing posts from April, 2017

All You Need is Love... and Faith, and Perseverance

1.) Don't let someone's unhappiness turn into your own unhappiness.  In other words, don't let their darkness overpower your light.  When someone is unhappy, they have a tendency to let it almost overflow and pour out onto the next person.  Honestly, we've all done it.  When that happens, all you have to do is be that light that the person needs.  Shine that bright light and let it overcome!  "The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it." John 1:5 [NIV] 2.) Don't let someone make you feel bad about something you shouldn't feel bad about.  Honestly, just that one smug remark someone says to you that seems to have come out of nowhere- Fam, don't let that get to you!  Insecure people will just say things just to put you down.  Again, I'm sure we've all been there.  Try to have compassion for those who put you down as God is constantly expressing His compassion and mercy on us.  After all, we're all

It Took Me 20 Years to Realize This

When I was a little kid, I remember day dreaming about my future self.  A lot.  I would sit there and ponder me turning sixteen and getting my driver's license, graduating from university at twenty one while getting married shortly after.  Heck, I thought once you hit thirteen, the glorious entry to the teenage years, you would turn instantly mature.  Bottom line, I think it's safe to say that I was way in over my head. Well little Bri, here is a reality check.  You were in no way, shape, or form mature at thirteen, you waited almost 4 years after turning sixteen to finally get your driver's license, you still have two and a half more years minimum to go in college, and although you would love to be married soon- there is no way to tell that it will be that soon.  In other words, when I was a kid, I envisioned myself to pretty much have my life together at twenty years old.  I cracked my phone screen for the third time this year a couple days ago, my face broke o