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Showing posts from May, 2018

He is faithful- don't be that runaway bride

When I was in kindergarten, I was petrified of lightning and thunder.  One summer day when my parents were out and my sister was babysitting me, a huge thunderstorm rolled in.  After witnessing that bright flash followed by that violent crash of thunder, I ran.  I zipped right out my front door; barefoot, crying, and screaming as the thunder relentlessly pounded the sky.  I ended up in my neighbor's front door, pleading to stay with them until the storm passed.  Fast forward to my junior year of high school: I was home alone one February night babysitting my nephew who was around 5 months at the time.  I was in the middle of feeding him his dinner when I noticed an unfamiliar light glaring through my window.  I peaked out the window and noticed a suspiciously idle truck halfway up my driveway.  My 16 year old brain immediately flashed back to my 6 year old brain of irrational panic; without sparing another moment in that living room, I grabbed my baby nephew and ran out