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Showing posts from March, 2018

To the person anticipating the next season

So with spring being right around the corner (7 days to the exact), one would expect the sunshine to be here; greeting us with flowers blooming while simultaneously waving goodbye to the melting snow.  Well, here in good ole' New England is the polar opposite; from an intense blizzard dumping a solid 2 feet of snow, to a flurry leaving another 3 inches, to the weatherman predicting another snowstorm... all in the time span of only one week. I guess it's safe to say that spring may have to hit a couple pit stops before settling in for the season. A popular opinion that I've been hearing a lot is how Mr. Winter has overstayed his welcome; a very valid opinion to say the least.  I mean I get it, after counting down the days until spring, then being hit with a plethora of snow right before, it's easy to feel disappointed, anxious, and impatient.  The season that your eyes have been fixated on for so long and the growing anticipation; all to be brought down in a disgust