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Showing posts from November, 2016

Cookie Monster: A Healthier Take

Good evening everyone! So if you don't know me already, I have a humongous weakness for sweets; specifically chocolate and cookies.  Like, there will never be a time where I will not be in the mood for them.  I like to think of it as a blessing in disguise... don't ask why, I just do, haha!     Well, with that being said, I have been deprived of these things as I am a couple days into a fast.  Fasting is such a privilege and joy and I love how God challenges me with my faith.  Putting God first and growing deeper with Him is truly such a joy!  However, like I mentioned before... no sweets. I mean, yeah I can eat a banana and call it a night but if I'm being honest, it just doesn't cut it for me.   Hallelujah for pinterest because as I was dilly-dallying on it I came across a very easy 3 ingredient recipe to make a healthier, dairy-free, gluten-free take on oatmeal cookies!  I was skeptical at first, but after I tried one I knew I just had to share this recipe

Basic Fall 2016 cont.

When you can't find the words to accurately depict how awesome something was, a picture will be sure to fill in the blanks!  Worship  Rebecca and I  Not my own picture above; but a wonderful "in the moment" shot mid worship! Ryan playing piano God's grace painted in the sky at dusk. Basiccon was an awesome conference to attend, no doubt.  If I were to sit here and explain to you every detail as to how Jesus moved and impacted so many lives in that 3 day weekend, this would be several pages, haha!  However, what I can tell you is that we all have issues we have to face that are inevitable.  But when you accept Jesus in your heart and follow Him, everything just starts changing.  Through Him, you will be stronger to face those problems.  He is a reminder that no matter how lonely the enemy may make you feel, Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.  Jesus understands everything we go through; He has been through the same thing!!

Basiccon 2016: Power of Fellowship

Good afternoon people! So this weekend, me, my wonderful boyfriend Ryan, and my awesome brother in Christ, Mikey, all drove up to our friend's college to attend this Christian conference in Rochester, NY.  My best friend, Rebecca, has a BASIC (Brother And Sisters In Christ, acronyms for the win ayo) group at her school.  Therefore, she kindly encouraged us to tag along!  We were above and BEYOND stoked.  When we got to her school, we went straight to the BASIC meeting; where I met a whole bunch of other awesome people.         All the people that came to the conference from her school is pictured above:  Ryan, me, Mikey, Rebecca, and my two new amazing brothers, Tyler and Johnny.          Before I get into the meat as to how much of an impact BASIC had on my life; I just have to mention how truly blessed I feel to have been able to experience this event with such genuine, hilarious, quirky, God fearing people.  I just met Tyler and Johnny this weekend and I feel