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Showing posts from October, 2016

No Longer Slaves

Good morning beautiful creations! This morning, as I woke up to get ready for class (8 a.m. yuck) I went about my routine as usual.  Get out of bed, brush my teeth, boil water to make coffee, read my daily devotional... you know the drill.  However, this morning took a different turn when one of my closest friends informed me that she and her roommates' got into a car accident last night after leaving dinner.  She was the one typing so I knew she was okay, however that pit feeling you get in your tummy when you're nervous and anxious was very tangible. So many thoughts came pouring in my mind.  She reassured my friends and I that everybody was okay- a few minor injuries, but they were okay. The car accident was not minor.  They lost control of the vehicle turning around a sharp corner and went airborne thus hitting a tree.  After hearing the details as to how it happened, all my mind could point to was pure gratitude and adoration for the One that protected them and kept th

The Final Beginning

Can’t you see that the chains can break and set you free Through all the harsh words and pain that strangled my spirit, I still love you. You’re confined and lost Give Christ a chance, give Him your all. He’s there to catch you every time you fall. He never leaves and He weeps for our pain and our defeats. He wants to take you by the hand, guide us to the desires of our hearts, our dreams. He’s a good God He’s always there. In the midst of our trials, our pain, our despair. He’s so close so tangible. Ever since I came to know Him I’m finally able to say I’m able. I sound phony and crazy, I get it. But notice how I’m joyful living life empty handed. My heart doesn’t long for temporary happiness, contrary. It longs to please the One who gave me a purpose. This life here is of a blink of an eye Don’t live life to live life and just die. Mom, when Jesus is present, things will start changing. Our God is mysterious,